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Risk Premises - For Portfolio’s over 5 properties, please contact us on or 01296 329610 to quote manually.

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Your Responsibility to Provide Information

You have a duty under the Insurance Act 2015 to make a fair presentation of the risk to insurers.  This duty applies when You take out Your insurance cover, throughout the life of Your policy, and when You renew Your insurance.

The Act includes a need for You to undertake a reasonable search for material information which is known, or ought reasonably to be known, by Your company’s principals, directors, senior management (ie. anyone playing a significant role in making business decisions in Your firm) and staff responsible for insurance.  If you do not fully understand the personal situation of your partners / directors / senior management staff with regards to CCJs, bankruptcies, convictions etc then it is your responsibility to find this information out.

You should advise Us of any particular concerns which led You to seek insurance cover and any special or unusual facts relating to the risk.

You must ensure that all material statements of fact are substantially correct and not misleading, and any material information which is a matter of expectation or belief (eg. an estimate or forecast) is provided in good faith.

Failure to disclose any material information or change in circumstances to Your insurers which could influence the cost, or their decision to accept Your insurance, could mean that Your policy could be invalidated or cancelled without refund, or that part or all of a claim may be not be paid.

Material statements’ and ‘material information’ are information which could influence the judgement of a prudent insurer in determining whether to take on a risk and on what terms.

Professional Indemnity & Personal Liability Insurance
Professional Indemnity & Personal Liability Insurance
Professional Indemnity & Personal Liability Insurance